M&A Post-Merger-Integration

Companies are growing through acquisitions. And they sharpen their business focus through carve-outs. In both cases, it leads to big disruption for the impacted people and their IT landscapes. Something organically grown, with strong roots and history, is now carved-out and has to stand on its own. Or is integrated with another organization, deeply rooted in processes, solutions, values.


IT projects as part of such carve-out or post-merger-integration are defining the critical path for a successful go live (well-coordinated with the parallel tracks for legal, tax, people etc.).

We help with the experience of a series of successful carve-outs as well as integrations. Masterpieces, where multinational businesses have gone live on a newly created system landscape as big bang and successfully operated from day one. Private equity deals, where IT has been the make or break for creating a new company.


Projects, which can only be led successfully with trust, empathy and loads of experience.

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